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Tiffany Hamilton (Neveralonesupport) Accused of Manipulating Sexual Assault Victims

Stories are coming forward about a TT creator who is allegedly taking advantage of sexual assault (SA) victims. In a now-deleted Reddit post, a woman (TT username: anonymouss1313) shared a TikTok she made, documenting what she claims are her experiences with Tiffany Hamilton of Neveralonesupport. "Never Alone Support Services" (NASS), is a "therapy" program offered by Tiffany, where she counsels women working through trauma related to a sexual assault.

The original thread and video were deleted but, not to worry, I managed to save the video (posted below).

In the TikTok, Anonymous (that's what we'll call her) documented meetings she had with Tiffany. During these meetings, Tiffany allegedly asked overly personal questions, demanded extremely intimate details of the assault, and then later made a video where she claimed the person's story was her own.

I transcribed the video, so read through for all the details:

The REAL story about Tiffany (Neveralonesupport)

I will not be showing my face or giving my name because Tiffany will send her followers after me and tell the cops I’m harassing her.

Tiffany grooms minors on the internet for details of their abuse because it turns her on. The first time we talked she asked me for graphic details and I was so ashamed and embarrassed.

The only other person that ever asked me something like this was a POLICE OFFICER to make a case against my abuser. That’s it. Not my family. Not my friends. Just Tiffany.

I would tell her details about what happened to me and then the next day she would post a tiktok saying my stories were hers. There are many of them still up.

She flashed my friends and I on facetime and called it an “accident”. It was not an accident. 

She went live with one of my friends and told the hundreds of people viewing horrible details about this friend’s abuse that she was NOT ready to share.

She said to a teenage abuse victim on her discord “lol you’re gonna end up pregnant soon.” Yeah. She said lol. Then got mad that this girl didn’t feel comfortable talking to her anymore.

She told me details about her s*x life. She asked me if I touch myself and told me how often she does. Again, I’m a minor. I was so embarrassed.

(Pause to read) Now Tiffany is blaming Katey (madein0hio) for all the things she’s done when she’s the only one at fault. Isolina (traumamama4u) is just as bad. She eggs Tiffany on and comes after anyone that disagrees. Tiffany is DANGEROUS. There are a ton more things that she’s done that I can’t fit in this video. If you are a minor PLEASE stay away from her. I wish someone had been there to warn me.

I looked at Tiffany's page and I definitely get the vibe that she thrives off attention and sympathy. Sexual assault is such a serious, traumatic experience and she has it all dolled up in pink and sparkles all over her page. And it's presented as entertainment, rather than story/experience sharing or counselling advice/help. I know we all deal with grief and trauma differently but this is.... different. 

The first time I saw Tiffany's page, it totally rubbed me the wrong way but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Actually, yes I can- she seemed way too chipper about sexual assault. And now, with the story posted by Anonymous, it paints Tiffany as some kind of sexual assault Munchausen's case.

And this is a hard thing to critic because being believed about sexual assault is a massive problem and I hate to be on the side raising an eyebrow. Now, I'm not denying whether or not Tiffany has been SA'd. What I am saying is that, regardless, she's now seemingly incorporating fictional elements into "her stories". Elements that are real and actually happened to people who are still processing it, and were trying to get counselling for it. And, as a reminder, this particular instance of stealing someone's assault story involved a minor, apparently.

To take someone's trauma- someone who trusted you to help- and wield it into a story-time to grow your social media following: the height of gross. And the bigger, lasting impact if this is true and goes viral would be devastating for women on a grander scale. All those loser men who think women lie about SA "for attention" and now there's potentially exactly that happening right now? Ugh. Men like that won't care that it only happened once, just that it happened. And use that to validate their shitty misogyny. 

I hope Anonymous can get some real counselling from someone who actually wants to help. And I hope Tiffany can also get help because, if this is true, that's some serious psychotic stuff because who tf does stuff like this. 

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